Saturday, February 13, 2010

Super Saturday-Sports Day

Today is SPORTS DAY!

If you don’t have children in SPORTS, you may want to organize your workout equipment.  You can wipe down the treadmill, wipe off the weights, etc.

Here’s how we do it:

STEP #1- OFF SEASON SPORTS-I take one organizer for each sport and store all uniform pieces together.  I also add things that are small like cleats, baseball sports cups, kneepads for volleyball, etc.  I label the sport on the box and store in the garage on a shelf.

STEP #2-CURRENT SPORTS-Since we have six children, I separate the boys’ and girls’ baskets for easy use.  I use the wonderful, very cheap laundry baskets in two different colors and store all current uniforms and supplies in each.  I keep the baskets on a shelf in the laundry room, so that as clean uniforms come out of the laundry, they go right in the basket.  No more lost uniforms on game day!

STEP #3-OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT-We store our balls, gloves, etc in the garage.  We keep all the gloves and bats in the baseball bags, hanging in the garage.  We keep all the balls in large buckets for easy use, in the garage as well.  We hang tennis rackets on .98 cent hooks in the garage.  We also hang sleds and anything else we can to get it off the ground. 

STEP #4-SCHEDULES-As soon as we get sports schedules, we write them on the family calendar and in my planner.  I also make a copy for grandparents and anyone else who wants to support our kiddos!

If you have any great ideas that work for your SPORTS stuff, email us and we will share!

For tomorrow:

SPECIAL SUNDAY is time for a special secret that I will share with you.  Hopefully, it will bring a smile to your face like it does to mine!

See you tomorrow!


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