Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tackle Tuesday-Office Supplies

I got a little in over my head!

Look at the loot I found all around my house in the OFFICE SUPPLIES category!


My kids came in today and said, “Where did we get all this stuff?”

I replied, “Under the stairs in the basement, in the utility room, in dad’s office, on mom’s desk and a little in the garage!”

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I apologize for giving you two days at once, but it literally took me BOTH days to get this together.

Here we go:

STEP #1-COLLECT-Collect all office supplies if you have not done this yet. Look everywhere!

STEP #2-SORT-As you can see from the pictures above, I separated like piles, such as, binders, cardstock, clipboards, etc. together.

STEP #3-STORAGE-Decide how you want to store everything. I decided to use an old, tall, filing cabinet in the basement to store most of my supplies. The EVERYDAY items are shown in the last photo and are stored in a cabinet in the kitchen. Do what works for you!

STEP #4-PUT AWAY-Put everything in the predetermined spots. *HINT:As you are putting things away, stack things with like colors and styles together. Think, “What looks best and is the most accessible.”

STEP #5-LABEL-Label all containers for convenience in finding things, plus it LOOKS great too!

For tomorrow:

For WRAP-UP WEDNESDAY we are going to put the finishing touches on your OFFICE SUPPLIES.

See you tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Next time I need to go to Office Max expect me at your door! lol
