Thursday, February 4, 2010

Therapy Thursday-Magical Music

Our “therapy” question for the day is, “What do you love to listen to?”  Is it Christmas music all year like me?  Or do you love to listen to music that makes you dance?  Whether it is uplifting church music or books on tape, have you put these things in a place to bless your life?

Whether you own one of today’s fancy phones that can hold all the music you love or just a CD player in the kitchen…get your music in a place where it can enrich your life EVERYDAY!

Learn how to put your favorites on an IPod, MP3 player, or your fancy phone.

If you are much simpler than this, take your favorite CDs and tapes and put them near a stereo, so that you can listen to them while preparing dinner or folding laundry.

Whatever it is that answers this question above for you, put it where it can raise your spirits anytime you need it!

Here is something I love to listen to and watch.  Whenever life seems like it is taking its’ toll, I just play this and I am reminded of who I am and what I want to become.  That is one of the blessings of music in our lives.

For tomorrow:

Tomorrow we have one of my $3 favorites.  Don’t forget to tune in!

See you tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this song! This has always been one of my favorites, but this was the first time I've heard this version. I just sat here and closed my eyes.... totally needed that today!
